GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 24-NOV-2021

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GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 24-NOV-2021



STEP 1:  To apply for the Transcriptionist job CLICK HERE.



STEP 2:  Click on Apply Online.


STEP 3:  Select your language as English.







STEP 4:  See the answers below and tick on the correct option.


Following are the Question along with answers. So select carefully.

1) What is considered as a filler word in Full Verbatim?

a) Kind of

b) Um

c) Gotcha


2) The correct form of direct quotation is:

a) He said, "I am a student."

b) He said: "I am a student."

c) He said, "I am a student".

d) He said: -I am a student.

e) He said, I am a student.


3) If there is a name/surname you can't make out due to a speaker's manner of speech, what are you supposed to do?

a) Mark it as [unintelligible].

b) Just try to guess a name

depending on the context.

c) Mark it as [unintelligible 00:00:00]

d) Mark it as [inaudible].


4) There _____  good books out there.

a) was

b) are

c) be

d) is



5) Gina is ___ friend from Poland.

a) of

b) a

c) an

d) these


6) Longer speeches should be separated into the paragraphs of:

a) About 50 words or 1-3 lines in the transcription tool.

b) About 200 words or 6-8 lines in

the transcription tool.

c) About 300 words or 9-12 lines in the transcription tool.

d) About 100 words or 3-4 lines in the transcription tool.


7) In Clean Verbatim, the transcribed text does not include:

a) Repetitions

b) Filler words unless they add


c) Stutters

d) Expressions (Oh my God, Oh dear, Oh my, Oh boy, Oh shoot, et cetera)


8) If you couldn't understand something, what would you do?

a) Skip this word as it wasn't said at all.

b) Mark that word as unintelligible

with the specified time [unintelligible 00:00:13].

c) Make up your own markings and guess the word according to the context.


9) Do you have to transcribe stutters? Full Verbatim

a) Yes. For instance, "I-I, um, love, uh, bas-basketball."

b) There is no big difference between "I love basketball" and "I, um, uh, lo-lo-love, um, ba-bas basketball".

c) No. It does not add any additional meaning.


10) _____ good friends.

a) They are

b) Their

c) They're



STEP 5:   Now Click on CONFIRM.



 HURRAY!!  You have successfully passed GoTranscript MCQ Test. 


To get the audio test answer CLICK HERE.



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