GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 23-NOV-2021


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GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 23-NOV-2021



STEP 1:  To apply for the Transcriptionist job CLICK HERE.



STEP 2:  Click on Apply Online.


STEP 3:  Select your language as English.







STEP 4:  See the answers below and tick on the correct option.


Following are the Question along with answers. So select carefully.



1) If you can't hear the specific term, you should:

a) Do some research. If you cannot find anything, mark that as inaudible or unintelligible with the specified time.

 b) Guess the word, and a client will make a correction.


2) If there is a combination of single-digit numerals and all other numerals in the same sentence (For example, "I have 1 pen and 15 pencils"), how will you transcribe it?

a) I have 1 pen and fifteen pencils.

 b) I have one pen and fifteen pencils.

c) I have one pen and 15 pencils.

d) I have 1 pen and 15 pencils (this way improves readability since 1 and 15 are on the same line).


3) If a speaker had made a grammatical mistake, how would a worker have to transcribe it (For instance, "I has a puppy.")?

a) I has [sic] a puppy.

b) I have a puppy.

c) Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speaker. "I has a puppy."


4) What are the types of timestamping?

a) Every 5 minutes

b) Change of a Speaker

c) Every 15 seconds

d) Every 2 minutes


5) I have ____ and _____.

a) one US dollar, 10 British pounds.

b) 1 US dollar, ten British pounds.

 c) one US dollar, ten British pounds.

d) $1, £10


6) Which form is the correct one when showing affirmation? Full Verbatim

a) Ok

b) Mm-hmm

c) Mm

d) Alright


7) If there is a comment next to the audio file saying, "Please use the embedded time" or "burned-in time", what do you have to do?

a) Timestamping will be done automatically on the Go Transcript tool, so you do not have to do anything extra.

b) Putting the correct form of timestamping IS an essential part of a transcriber's job. Please download a file and follow the time on the screen in order to correctly put the burned-in timestamps.


8) Full Verbatim includes:

a) Speech Errors

b) Repetitions

c) Stutters

d) False Starts

e) Filler words

f) Slang words


9) I ___ to the gym last night.

a) went

b) gone

c) go

d) was


10) What are the basic rules to apply while transcribing an audio file? Clean Verbatim

a) Longer speeches should be separated into smaller paragraphs. Paragraphs shouldn't be longer than 500 symbols.

b) Punctuation is not a part of the transcriber's work.

c) The beginning of a sentence should always be capitalized.




STEP 5:   Now Click on CONFIRM.


 HURRAY!!  You have successfully passed GoTranscript MCQ Test. 

To get the audio test answer CLICK HERE.


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