Elon Musk’s made internet connectivity available on United Airlines?


Leading New In-flight services in aviation Industry?

United Airlines is a joins an upgrade in the growing demand for superior in-flight connectivity experience and some of the Airlines like Hawaiian Airlines has already connected the services of with Starlink.


Elon Musk’s with the use of Starlink connectivity which is tends to provides global satellite-based internet service by using satellite for connectivity as it is was maded for huge internet coverage and network connection throughout the world people especially the mountain climber’s and for those people who were living in very remote location which are unavailable to connect with our love one’s and for those who are stuck in emergency locations like underground caves, no man’s islands, Polar regions etc.

The Problem:

But here is the catch the charges are of the services which they provided was too expensive and even for USA people and so on to the rest of the world also some said that the internet speed is slows. Because of these few reason it was not scalable project and the needs was very less than the supplies I the global market.

Present Scenario:

United Airlines had secured an agreement with Elon Musk’s Starlink in this Elon has offered internet connectivity thanks to satellite based Wi-Fi in the Flight this term also being called the in-flight internet which some says, Its revolutionary and futuristic attempt for internet availability. As this made passenger to get access for connection.

The Internet service will be provided to more than 10,000 plus aircraft in United Airlines which cover large number of consumer and that to in-flight service. Here is one catch that they have to still test this idea and if everything will be fine the people can expect this service by the 2025 and SpaceX had given its specialty of providing a high speed internet across the world through a satellite.

Even the United Airlines Chief Customer Officer also explained that they might provide free Wi-Fi for traveler might can get. As these are the least expectation for the traveler in a flight. “Regardless of where you are seated or how much you paid for your ticket, you will benefit from this service,” Linda Jojo said.

In Conclusion, Starlink partnership with United Airline will greatly leverage the new technology that is satellite network as it is eye catching services for better consumer attention even though Starlink will provide consistent and reliable service which will enhance customer experience and Starlink understood the new standard of aviation industry and will provide a greater expansion.

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