GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 13-NOV-2021


GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 13-NOV-2021


STEP 1:  To apply for the Transcriptionist job CLICK HERE.


STEP 2:  Click on Apply Online.

STEP 3:  Select your language as English.





STEP 4:  See the answers below and tick on the correct option.

Following are the Question along with answers. So select carefully.




1) What should you do if you cannot identify who exactly is speaking?

a) Use any speaker labels. An editor will correct it.

b) Use speaker labels but with a question mark before. For example, ?Speaker 1, ?Speaker 2, et cetera.


2) What is the correct way to mark False Starts in Full Verbatim?

a) I went to-- I slept well last night.

 b) There is no need to mark a false start in a full verbatim file.

 c) I went to bed--- and slept well last night.


3) What are the basic rules to apply while transcribing an audio file? Clean Verbatim

a) Longer speeches should be separated into smaller paragraphs. Paragraphs shouldn't be longer than 500 symbols.

b) The beginning of a sentence should always be capitalized.

 c) Punctuation is not a part of the transcriber's work.


4) I met _____ in Lithuania.

a) jane

b) Jane



5) If you can't hear the specific term, you should:

a) Guess the word, and a client will make a correction.

b) Do some research. If you cannot find anything, mark that as inaudible or unintelligible with the specified time.


6) I __ a freelancer.

a) am

b) wore

c) be

d) is


7) Sounds made by the person speaking are always:

a) On the different line and in the present tense

b) On the separate line and in the past tense

c) On the same line and in the present tense

d) On the same line and in the past tense


8) How to note a significant pause in the speech?

a) A pause is significant only if it is between 4-10 seconds. It is marked as [silence].

b) A pause is significant only if it is no shorter than 10 seconds. It is marked as [pause 00:00:00] with the correct timestamp.

c) A pause is significant only if it is no shorter than 10 seconds. It is marked as [pause 00:00:00] with the correct timestamp.

d) A pause is significant only if it is no longer than 10 seconds. It is marked as [silence] on the same line with the last speaker's words.


9) In Clean Verbatim, the transcribed text does not include:

a) Expressions (Oh my God, Oh dear, Oh my, Oh boy, Oh shoot, et cetera)

b) Filler words unless they add meaning

c) Repetitions

d) Stutters


10) Why is it important to pass the test on your own and without anybody's help?

a) Knowledge of GT guidelines is a must while working at Go Transcript. If you cannot pass the test on your own, how can you expect to be a successful worker at GoTranscript? Also, if you cannot provide quality work, you will be removed from the team.

b) I will study guidelines after I get an account and start working on real clients' orders.





STEP 5:   Now Click on CONFIRM.


HURRAY!!  You have successfully passed GoTranscript MCQ Test.


To get the audio test answer CLICK HERE.


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