GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 12-NOV-2021


GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 12-NOV-2021


STEP 1:  To apply for the Transcriptionist job CLICK HERE.


STEP 2:  Click on Apply Online.


STEP 3:  Select your language as English.







STEP 4:  See the answers below and tick on the correct option.

Following are the Question along with answers. So select carefully.



1) Which form is the correct one when showing affirmation? Full Verbatim

a) Alright

b) Ok

c) Mm

d) Mm-hmm


2) The correct form of direct quotation is:

a) He said: "I am a student."

 b) He said, "I am a student".

c) He said, I am a student.

d) He said: -I am a student.

e) He said, "I am a student."


3) If there is a word that you cannot hear due to heavy background noise, what do you have to do?

a) Paraphrase the whole sentence so it makes sense according to the context of the audio.

b) Mark it as [inaudible 00:00:00] with the correct time according to the audio.

c) Just try to guess the word, and the client will correct it himself.


4) Gina is __ friend from Poland.

a) these

b) a

c) an

d) of


5) How should we transcribe and punctuate filler words in Full Verbatim?

a) l- uh-went to the gym last night.

 b) I, uh, went to the gym last night.

c) I-- uh, went to the gym last night.

d) I uh went to the gym last night.


6) Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated?

a) I like to use facebook It is my favorite way of keeping in touch with the relatives.

b) I like to use Facebook it is my favorite way of keeping in touch with the relatives.

c) I like to use facebook it is my favorite way of keeping in touch with the relatives.

d) I like to use Facebook. It is my favorite way of keeping in touch with the relatives.


7) If there is a comment next to the audio file saying, "Please use the embedded time" or "burned-in time", what do you have to do?

a) Putting the correct form of timestamping IS an essential part of a transcriber's job. Please download a file and follow the time on the screen in order to correctly put the burned-in timestamps.

b) Timestamping will be done automatically on the Go Transcript tool, so you do not have to do anything extra.


8) How should you transcribe a spelled word?

a) It is transcription. T_R_A_N_S_C_R_I_P_T_I_O_N.

b) It is transcription. TRANSCRIPTION.

c) It is transcription. T-R-A-N-S-C-R I-P-T-I-O-N.

d) It is transcription. T.R.A.N.S.C.R.I.P.T.I.O.N.


9) I ___ wanted-- I have dreamed of becoming a musician.

a) uh,

b), uh,

c) uh


10) Why is it important to pass the test on your own and without anybody's help?

a) Knowledge of GT guidelines is a must while working at Go Transcript. If you cannot pass the test on your own, how can you expect to be a successful worker at Go Transcript? Also, if you cannot provide quality work, you will be removed from the team.

b) I will study guidelines after I get an account and start working on real clients' orders.



STEP 5:   Now Click on CONFIRM.


HURRAY!!  You have successfully passed GoTranscript MCQ Test.


To get the audio test answer CLICK HERE.



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