GoTranscript Audio Test Answer: 08-JAN-2023


If you're looking to find out the correct answers for the GoTranscript MCQ answer and Audio answer, then you've come to the right place: we have all the answers you need here.


 GoTranscript Audio Test Answer

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer

If you guys are new to GoTranscript or planning to be a Transcriptionist at GoTransciption CLICK HERE to get the GoTranscript MCQ TestAnswer.


Few guidelines to be noted before applying for a transcriptionist job at GoTranscript:

1.  If you cannot hear what word is being said, mark that as inaudible or unintelligible and specify the time. Do NOT make up your own markings.

·       Use [inaudible 00:00:00] when speech cannot be heard due to poor recording or noise (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + K).

·       Use [unintelligible 00:00:00] when speech can be heard but it cannot be understood due to the speaker's manner of speech, accent, et cetera (Ctrl + I).


2.  Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speakers.

3.  Always use the correct spelling for misspoken words.

4.  Never use exclamation marks.

5.  Numbers

  • Spell out single-digit numbers, use numerals for all other numbers: zero, nine, 10, and so on.
    Money: $1, $1.5 million, $1,000 (1 grand is 1,000, 5 bucks is $5, 8 quid is £8. Half a million dollars is $500,000).
    Years and eras: '90s, 1990s
    Age: 70s, 30s
    Percentages: 0.2%, 100%
    Measurements: 3 degrees, 12 feet, 8 centimetres, 7 pounds, 1.5 kilos, 28 square meters
    Mathematical equations and formulas: x = x + 2 or x ^ 3 = 8


Timestamping time format must be: [00:00:00] (always in bold)



NOTE:  Try to type out if possible. Try this trick may work.


GoTranscript Overview:

What Is GoTranscript?🤔🤔

GoTranscript is a writing company founded in 2005 and led by CEO Peter Trebek. They are currently based in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

With customers worldwide and 144 million minutes (274 years) of audio recordings, the main services include recording, translation, subtitles, and captions.

Although GoTranscript uses the AI   (Artificial Intelligence) platform for its writing services, it also hires independent writers (you) to write manually. Machines are simply flawless, which is why human intervention is still needed - which is why they hire people like you to help.

GoTranscript Requirements

As for registered companies, GoTranscript adoption is relatively easy. However, there are still some requirements to meet.

1.You must be of legal age.
2.No experience is required, but you need to pass their tests. And if you fail their test, you can try again in a few days.
3.You need to have good English skills.
4.It does not matter if you type faster or slow down because their turnaround time is 10 minutes 6 hours. You get paid per minute for each sound, so if it takes you 6 hours to record 10 minutes for the audio, you are only paid for those 10 minutes for the sound.
5. As long as you have a computer/Phone and internet connection, you are eligible to work for them. Of course, having a fast computer and a strong internet connection will be beneficial.
6.If you are an experienced writer you can also have computer hardware such as a quality earphone and foot pedal to get the most efficient recording function.

GoTranscript Payment💰💰

According to the GoTranscript website, they pay their transcribers up to $0.60 per audio/video minute.

They also mentioned average earnings can be around $150 per month and their top earners are making up to $1,215 per month.

It's not you can earn $100-$200 within a month of starting its a matter of typing skill GT guidelines knowledge you will gain while working with them.

Even It's not that hard to earn $50-$80 even for beginners.


GoTranscript Audio Test Answer: 08-JAN-2023

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2: I don't know about you, but so far, this new year of 2023 has not been the greatest for me financially speaking, I know that about nine out of ten of you are going to not pass this test. But the one out of ten of you that does is going to find out pretty quickly that even though transcription is fun sometimes, and even though over time, you can really you know, make a decent amount of money, you're not going to get rich from it. That's the hard truth, unfortunately.

If you're honest, and you're not cheating, and you're not scamming, then, unfortunately, the way life works is that the honest people tend to make less money than the dishonest people and you only have to look as far as our government for that. But there are compensations. Transcription, I think is really interesting, because you get to listen to the conversations of complete strangers. Sometimes people who are going through difficult divorces will drop off a whole bunch of transcripts requests, audio requests, that they want transcribed their significant others in some really compromising conversations or just yelling at their kids or whatever. So that's kind of interesting.It sure beats trying to listen to your neighbours having their fights on the other side of the fence. My neighbours have learned to close their windows when they do that.

Anyway, you will make so you may well make a fair amount of money. But anyone who tells you that you're going to make like $1,500 a week. They're just lying to you or they're trying to get 1500 bucks a week from you. So be real suspicious of people that are trying to get you to become a transcriber and then turn over some of your hard-earned cash to them. If you're really good, if you're paying attention to the instructions, like for example, that this transcript is supposed to be clean verbatim, not full verbatim, which means a lot of the filler words and stuff that I've been saying is have to be cleaned up or left out. If you're following the instructions in the guidelines to GoTranscript guidelines, which are available to you if you're on the website. You should do okay.

One of the reasons the big reasons that a lot of people get rejected though is because they give in to the temptation to look online and see if somebody else has already transcribed this test somewhere and then they just copy it and paste it in. Sometimes they don't copy and paste it in they may be printed out and then they just type it based on what they got of the screen. That's kind of the old-school way of typing right? I don't know if you remember the old royals and Underwoods that we used to use and the IBM Selectric for extra miss those days anyway. Please try not to cheat any more than you have to and good luck to you. I do hope you pass because we need good transcribers.

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.




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