GoTranscript Audio Test Answer: 22-JUNE-2022


If you're looking to find out the correct answers for GoTranscript MCQ answer and Audio answer, then you've come to the right place: we have all the answers you need here.


 GoTranscript Audio Test Answer

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer

If you guys are new to GoTranscript or planning to be a Transcriptionist at GoTransciption CLICK HERE to get the GoTranscript MCQ TestAnswer.


Few guidelines to be noted before being applying to a transcriptionist job at GoTranscription:

1.  If you cannot hear what word is being said, mark that as inaudible or unintelligible and specify the time. Do NOT make up your own markings.

·       Use [inaudible 00:00:00] when speech cannot be heard due to poor recording or noise (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + K).

·       Use [unintelligible 00:00:00] when speech can be heard but it cannot be understood due to the speaker's manner of speech, accent, et cetera (Ctrl + I).


2.  Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speakers.

3.  Always use the correct spelling for misspoken words.

4.  Never use exclamation marks.

5.  Numbers

  • Spell out single-digit numbers, use numerals for all other numbers: zero, nine, 10, and so on.
    Money: $1, $1.5 million, $1,000 (1 grand is 1,000, 5 bucks is $5, 8 quid is £8. Half a million dollars is $500,000).
    Years and eras: '90s, 1990s
    Age: 70s, 30s
    Percentages: 0.2%, 100%
    Measurements: 3 degrees, 12 feet, 8 centimeters, 7 pounds, 1.5 kilos, 28 square meters
    Mathematical equations and formulas: x = x + 2 or x ^ 3 = 8


Timestamping time format must be: [00:00:00] (always in bold)



NOTE:  Try to type out if possible. Try this trick may work.


GoTranscript Overview:

What Is GoTranscript?🤔🤔

GoTranscript is a writing company founded in 2005 and led by CEO Peter Trebek. They are currently based in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

With customers worldwide and 144 million minutes (274 years) of audio recordings, the main services include recording, translation, subtitle, and captions.

Although GoTranscript uses the AI   (Artificial Intelligence) platform for their writing services, it also hires independent writers (you) to write manually. Machines are simply flawless, which is why human intervention is still needed - which is why they hire people like you to help.

GoTranscript Requirements

As for registered companies, GoTranscript adoption is relatively easy. However, there are still some requirements to meet.

1.You must be of legal age.
2.No experience is required, but you need to pass their tests. And if you fail their test, you can try again in a few days.
3.You need to have good English skills.
4.It does not matter if you type faster or slow down because their turnaround time is 10 minutes 6 hours. You get paid per minute for each sound, so if it takes you 6 hours to record 10 minutes for the audio, you are only paid for those 10 minutes for the sound.
5. As long as you have a computer/Phone and internet connection, you are eligible to work for them. Of course, having a fast computer and a strong internet connection will be beneficial.
6.If you are an experienced writer you can also have computer hardware such as a quality earphone and foot pedal to get the most efficient recording function.

GoTranscript Payment💰💰

According to GoTranscript website, they pays their transcribers up to $0.60 per audio/video minute.

They also mentioned average earnings can be around $150 per month and their top earners are making up to $1,215 per month.

Its not you can earn $100-$200 within a month of starting its a matter typing skill GT guidelines knowledge you will gain while working with them.

Even Its not that hard to earn $50-$80 even for beginner.



GoTranscript Audio Test Answer:


Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. If I were you, I'd pay attention to the numbers.

Speaker 2: There are two primary reasons to hedge. One is to reduce your short-term cash flow volatility. Another is to maximize return on capital for whatever the investor's target level of risk is. Many benefits are achieved if you successfully reduce cash flow volatility. The primary one being that 9 times out of 10, the risk of bankruptcy can be reduced, which not only reduces the cost of borrowing but also makes lenders more willing to lend you any money, to begin with.

Furthermore, more accurate earnings forecasting is possible when hedging, a company with more predictable earnings will in general be more valued by investors. If your company uses hedging to withstand short-term price movements, its management can then focus their energy more fully on the company's core competencies, doing what they are best at.

In 1997, a poll was done suggesting that 1700 people currently hedging against price fluctuations feel that in some ways, it's a lot like gambling, but that's not true at all. Gambling increases one's risk profile by making a bet on price movements. By hedging, you're doing the exact opposite, you're reducing the risk profile of your organization, so don't have some preconceived notion that the odds are somehow in your favour. Although some people are willing to ignore market movements and think they're making a safe choice by doing so. They've actually chosen to turn a blind eye to market volatility, so it's not at all a safe choice.


Another thing worth mentioning is options. You can think of options as a kind of insurance against the price of a share in a company moving either up or down. And just like you would with regular insurance, an upfront premium payment needs to be paid to the seller of the option. Though it's important to remember that an option gives you the option hence the name, but not the obligation to buy or sell a share at a set price in the future.

Options can be priced using a variety of different mathematical models, the Black Scholes being the most common one. This model uses several assumptions about market behaviour when pricing an option. For example, the ability to continuously hedge an option position. Even though this assumption makes sense. in theory, it's not that realistic in a real-world scenario. However, it's still one of the most popular models used by traders. Even Trader Joe, its frequent use largely explained in that it provides a quick closed-form solution.

Other methods of pricing options such as Monte Carlo simulations require you to test a millions of possible different scenarios. Did you know that in casinos, the probability of a sequence of either red or black occurring 26 times in a row is around 1 in 66.6 million? I didn't, which is probably why I lose an average of 50 bucks a month of the track. If you're a trader carrying a plethora of different options in your portfolio, Monte Carlo, or Santa Anita simulations can could require enormous brute force computing power to carry out which in a lot of cases takes more time than is reasonable for you to spare.

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript




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