GoTranscript Audio Test Answer: 22-FEB-2021


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 GoTranscript Audio Test Answer


GoTranscript Audio Test Answer

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GoTranscript Audio Test Answer:


Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2: 1910 was an important year. Halley's comet came along and some predicted the end of the world. Steven Lee Cox first humorous book literary lapses was published, first humorous book I said, for Mr. Leacock, who is professor of political economy at McGill University Montreal, had published his elements of political science in 19, aught six it seems to me that I have heard that literary lapses was obscurely or privately published in Canada before 1910.

Mr. John Lane, the famous London publisher, was given a cup copy by someone as he got on a steamer to go home to England. He read it on the voyage, and cabled an offer for it as soon as he landed. This is very vague in my mind, but it sounds probable. At any rate, since that time, Professor Lee Cox humorous volumes, such as nonsense novels, and behind the beyond, have appeared with gratifying regularity. He also wrote a few more serious books, such as literary studies, and the unsolved Riddle of social justice.

One of the unsolved riddles of social injustice is, why should Professor Leacock be so much more amusing than most people? By the by we usually think of him as a Canadian, but he was born in England in 1869. Still, he had very little in common was Stuart Edward White, who wrote essays about weird things like his wife's metaphysical visits from the beyond, as well as 14 inquisitive porcupines, who came up and sniffed at him one night at a campfire. However, rest assured those promo coupons had nothing whatsoever to do with the nine or 10 raccoons I saw outside our back door last night jonesing for some dry cat food.

Still, 14 inquisitive porcupines is better than 1500 angry ones, don't you think? Not that porcupines get all that angry? They're actually very mild mannered. Still, it's best to stay on their good side. Did you know that the North American porcupine has about 30,000 quills, each one adorned with between nine and 800 barbs along the four millimeters or so a nearest it's tip, I didn't. And now I definitely want to pluck at them as much as humanly possible. In conclusion, let me remind you that you must divide this transcript into more than one paragraph. Failure to do so will result in your application being declined. I'm sure you don't want that to happen to you. The ball is in your court.

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.





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