GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 21-NOV-2021

 If you're looking to find out the correct answers for GoTranscript MCQ answer and Audio answer, then you've come to the right place: we have all the answers you need here.

GoTranscript MCQ ANSWER : 21-NOV-2021



STEP 1:  To apply for the Transcriptionist job CLICK HERE.



STEP 2:  Click on Apply Online.


STEP 3:  Select your language as English.







STEP 4:  See the answers below and tick on the correct option.


Following are the Question along with answers. So select carefully.



1) What is the correct way to mark False Starts in Full Verbatim?

a) There is no need to mark a false start in a full verbatim file.

b) I went to bed-- and slept well last night.

c) I went to- I slept well last night.


2) If you couldn't understand something, what would you do?

a) Mark that word as unintelligible with the specified time [unintelligible 00:00:13].

b) Skip this word as it wasn't said at all.

c) Make up your own markings and guess the word according to the context.


3) How should a worker transcribe the company's name?

a) The way it sounds.

b) According to the research on Google, LinkedIn, YouTube, et cetera.


4) What is a correct format of the website links?

a)     a)  <<< ANS

b)      b) www dot facebook dot com slash groups slash gotranscript


5) If there is more than one speaker, how should they be all noted?

a) Speaker x: and the editor will correct it.

b) Speaker 1, Speaker 2, et cetera.

 c) Speaker 1, Speaker 2, et cetera. If you can distinguish a speaker's role in the conversation, you should make it as descriptive as possible.


6) Do you have to transcribe stutters? Full Verbatim

a) Yes. For instance, "I-I, um, love, uh, bas-basketball."

b) No. It does not add any additional meaning.

c) There is no big difference between "I love basketball" and "I, um, uh, lo-lo-love, um, ba-bas basketball".


7) If you can't hear the specific term, you should:

a) Do some research. If you cannot find anything, mark that as inaudible or unintelligible with the specified time.

b) Guess the word, and a client will make a correction.


 8) What is the correct answer to "2+5*4-8÷4/5=?"

a) 0

b) 4,4(4)

c) 17,5

d) 12

e) 75


9) My eyes ____ blue.

a) be

b) are

c)   c)  is

d)    d)  was


10) If there is an 'et cetera' in the audio, what should you do?

a) Transcribe 'et cetera' as a part of the audio.

b) Transcribe it as etc.

c) Leave 'et cetera' out.

STEP 5:   Now Click on CONFIRM.


HURRAY!!  You have successfully passed GoTranscript MCQ Test.


To get the audio test answer CLICK HERE.



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