GoTranscript Audio Test Answer

 GoTranscript Audio Test Answer


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Few guidelines to be noted before being applying to a transcriptionist job at GoTranscription:

1.  If you cannot hear what word is being said, mark that as inaudible or unintelligible and specify the time. Do NOT make up your own markings.

·       Use [inaudible 00:00:00] when speech cannot be heard due to poor recording or noise (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + K).

·       Use [unintelligible 00:00:00] when speech can be heard but it cannot be understood due to the speaker's manner of speech, accent, et cetera (Ctrl + I).


2.  Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speakers.

3.  Always use the correct spelling for misspoken words.

4.  Never use exclamation marks.

5.  Numbers

  • Spell out single-digit numbers, use numerals for all other numbers: zero, nine, 10, and so on.
    Money: $1, $1.5 million, $1,000 (1 grand is 1,000, 5 bucks is $5, 8 quid is £8. Half a million dollars is $500,000).
    Years and eras: '90s, 1990s
    Age: 70s, 30s
    Percentages: 0.2%, 100%
    Measurements: 3 degrees, 12 feet, 8 centimeters, 7 pounds, 1.5 kilos, 28 square meters
    Mathematical equations and formulas: x = x + 2 or x ^ 3 = 8


Timestamping time format must be: [00:00:00] (always in bold)



NOTE:  Try to type out if possible. Try this trick may work.


GoTranscript Audio Test Answer:



Speaker 1: This is the audio we are using for this particular GoTranscript audio test.



Speaker 2: Oh, there's this guy who was walking down the street in my neighbourhood wearing a hoodie. He had a boombox on his shoulder and was playing some really good beats. Thought seriously about getting a step behind him and now having a little parade that I decided he might take it the wrong way, so I resisted that temptation.

However, I got in my Ferrari followed him around a discreet distance, let's say about 1500 feet. He just kept walking to the beat up and down the block for at least half an hour. Finally, I realized he was just an exercise Walker, and the hoodie was because it was raining. Not a lot, but just enough to make the windshield damp. I turned on the windshield wipers, but a long strip of rubber peeled off, metal blades started to scratch the glass. Since my insurance is pretty crap, I decided I better take care of it to sweep. I peeled away from the beat Walker and zoomed up to our local AutoZone. There I had to look through a big complicated table of numbers to find the correct size wipers for my Ferrari. Now, you may or may not be surprised to hear this but my Ferrari is actually imaginary by which I mean it's a Toyota.

I would not mind having a Ferrari but the repair costs would be astronomical. Sort of like William Shatner in Blue Origin rocketing into space astronomical needless to say, I didn't get Ferrari sized wipers but Toyota sized specifically the size I needed was 24 and 18 inches. See wiper blades are different links down days I remember the olden days when my dad bought an Edsel with wiper blades were fixed in place and you never had to replace it of course the car didn't run very well, but that worked out okay since the wipers never worked anyway. Oh, by the way, I need to add some transcription type stuff here. Let's see. Oh, I know some cars are so small that the wiper blade sizes are 10 and eight. Now you need to look at the guidelines to see how to correctly format those numbers. Also, when I say the rubber peeled off, it's not quite the same as when I say that I heard the bells of St. Mary peeling as my car limped by four flat tires.


Speaker 1: This is the audio we are using for this particular code transcript audio test.





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